Dog days photo library

Mum has her good days and off days during lockdown and sometimes can’t be bothered with anything (except looking after me and those damned cats) so there haven’t been many updates here.

Putting that right, we have a host of photos for fans to see in this slideshow.  Chip, as you can see, is my best buddy.

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My mum wrote this for an old journalist pal at the start of lockdown.

Smart and slimline

Yep, mum has been at me with the trimmers again – says I’m looking smart and slimline after my summer cut.  LOADS came off even though it’s only a few weeks since the last groom.  The trimmings filled a whole pedal bin!

It’s been unseasonably warm for May in the UK – up to 22c where we live on the north east coast, hotter in London so I’m better off with less hair.  Lakes and reservoirs are drying up but we we are safe in our back yard cos there’s a parasol and loads of shade if needed.  I get walked before 10am and get the rest of the day to relax.