Christmas carousel

If this were a normal Christmas we would have been welcoming mum’s cousin and her husband (mum and dad of Irish Aunt) but it’s not to be with all the Covid restrictions. Irish Aunt is hosting Christmas dinner this year and we have all been busy with preparations. I don’t mind my Santa sweater but Chip and I have been kitted out with the dreaded antlers, duh, whats a dog to do? The cats got sequin bows but they didn’t last long.

I know there are lots of presents for us under the Irish Aunt’s tree but today mum presented us with two new toys – Cindy Carrot and Sam Sprout – which we love!

Christmas Carousel

We go to the pub!

…but it wasn’t the pub as I remember. There’s a table blocking the doorway and my mum says we’re just here to buy a gift voucher cos pubs are still shut under Covid-19 restrictions (UK Tier 3). Wot, no treats, no Salty Dog crisps, no palling with other dogs?

We have been customers since the very first day the Left Luggage Room opened at Monkseaton Station near where we live so I was recognised and straightaway offered the beefy chew sticks I absolutely LOVE. Thank you Andrew.

This was the finale to an exciting day.

First we went to a photo shop so mum could get a new passport photo. We had to queue outside for ages and I was so glad mum had dressed me in my Santa sweater cos it was very damp. Once we were inside, I lay quietly on their carpet – while the machine refused to accept her picture! The assistant was really helpful and tried again and again, finally saying she thought maybe my mum had too much hair around her face. To my mum’s horror, the only thing she could find to tie her hair out of the way was…A POO BAG! Luckily the machine was happy with that shot and mum remembered to take the bag out of her hair when we left.

Next we go to get her toenails painted and I was allowed to lie beside her. I created a bit of a stir when a delivery man came to the door of the salon and let out a volley of barks. Who did he think he was, huh? But other than that I was very well behaved.