Vet check one week on

Off to the vet this morning to see how I’m getting on and passed with flying colours. He said there was some way to go before all the swelling reduces and wants to see me in a month but I’m good to go…for a SWIM!

My mum mentioned the beach and I was sure we were headed there. But she stopped the car outside our house and said ‘out’. I stayed put for ages thinking she’d made a mistake but no, we were home and beach would be another day.

Pawsome friends

Chip and me have a special bond. He’s only been a regular visitor for six months or so but we love each other’s company. I’m not allowed long walks at the moment but I still get to go out with him for a short spell after he’s had his exercise.

We are such pawsome friends.


Two days on from surgery and I’m getting back to normal – short walks, regular food (which is coming out properly the other end!), stealing the cats’ meals, getting on the sofas… the last two are forbidden!

Chip visited and gave me the onceover – ok, I do smell a bit of antiseptic – and I have had 100s of good wishes from all our friends, including mum’s facebook friends and groups. Certainly gives a dog a boost after a two-hour feat of surgery and anaesthesia. I don’t seem to be in any pain but I do feel bushed after I’ve been down the street and back, the distance mum has decided is good for convalescence.

I could show you my wound – neat, no oozing or swelling – but mum says that’s too much information. I go back to the vet for a check up next week but all the stitches will dissolve so no manual removal. That’s a relief!

That’s a genuine Get Well Soon biscuit for dogs – all dog friendly ingredients. Hmm, I only ate a bit…where’s the rest?

That wasn’t the beach!

Very early run with the Irish Aunt should have warned me there was something afoot but, no, when my mum produced my lead before 8am I truly thought we were off to the beach.

We were going to the VET! I’ve been having trouble pooing for a while and it got much worse in the last couple of weeks so I was booked in for a repair to a perineal hernia. That’s when organs push through the abdominal wall and press on the bowel.

The vet explained exactly what would happen, gave me a sedative while mum was htere and let her put me in my temporary kennel. I was first on the list so by 11.15 my mum knew I was through the surgery, was fine and could come home later.

I was all waggy tail when I saw her but the ride home exhausted me and I really wanted to stay in the car. Irish Aunt called to see me and I managed to get up and wag my tail for her but that’s it, I’m out for the count till tomorrow.

Mum says she will sleep on the sofa tonight to keep me company.