There’s no business like snow business…

Chip’s foot is so much better that he was allowed out for a walk today for the first time in a week. We went to the quarry, one of our favourite places, but Irish Aunt said he had to take it easy and not damage his newly healed paw. Still lots of snow with us and it’s bitterly cold so we both had our warm winter coats on to keep out the chill.

Call this snow?

Waiting all winter for a good snowfall, huge Storm Darcy is forcecast – and look what we get on the north east coast of England! The salty sea air prevents thick coverings so we have to make the most of what we get. There wasn’t enough for snowballs but Chip and me had a good romp on the playing fields.

I also had a walk to the bank with mum but she was annoyed because Irish cousin lives in that part of town and I was determined to turn down… one, two, three roads that lead to her house. Hauled back double quick to her route.


The cone is off at last. Wound has sealed all the way at last and it’s not irritating me so I’m ignoring it so mum let me dispense with the cone.

I’ve also been back to the quarry in the first time in ages – raincoat on because it’s been raining heavily for days. Snow expected tonight. I love snow, snowballs and rolling in it. Maybe we can make a snowdog.

Birthday boy – I am 12!

Celebrating my 12th birthday with a chicken breakfast and a day with Chip, my bruvver wiv anovver muvver. Still in the cone (apart from eating and exercise) but the wound is much imrpoved.

Mum says I am a very special boy and she loves me to bits.

Top row – today; bottom row my gotcha day, April 1, 2009