I iz luvved

fullsizeoutput_9b34When I go to the Irish Aunt’s I get super loved by her young cat Domino.  He was always friendly but since he lost Missy has been ultra affectionate.  He clambers on me at every opportunity, even though I iz still a bit frit of cats.

Sherry, the cat my mum had when I arrived as an eight-week-old pup used to smack my bum – so I’ve always been wary.  She would bag the front row in front of the fire and sit behind doors so I couldn’t get out.  The current two don’t attack but that Marley is a big ‘un and he lies in my bed and steals my food whenever he gets the chance.  Dom, however, loves me for myself.



Winter trim

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It might be minus degrees outside but my mum said I looked like a shaggy sheep and had to have a haircut.  At least she did me in the kitchen rather than outdoors – and she said it was much easier to clean up than in the yard where the hair blows about.

The plan was to not take too much off so that I have insulation over the winter.  She says it’s a bit uneven, and my body spots aren’t showing through, but that I look much smarter.  Do you agree?


Puppy play date

Murphy missed coming on our walk this morning so my mum invited him in for a puppy play date.  But when you look at him you wonder who’s the puppy!  Has a bit to go in the girth but he’s at least 10cm tall than me already.

First off he inspected the place for food because that’s his No1 priority.  Daft lad even thought the pattern on our carpet was eats!  Then he had a good root through my toy basket to find something he could chew the nose off.  Not many noses left, I’m afraid, Murphy.

Marley wasn’t impressed.  He’s the real animal boss and gave Murphy a wide berth when he climbed in the window, then sat on the top of the sofa scowling.

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