Sossidges…and ice cream!

What a blissful morning down the beach – swimming, sossidges and ICE CREAM! Not altogether of course.

Me and Chip had fun in the water but mum says we are a pain because Chip won’t go in far and I drop the ball so she gets her feet wet. Today’s sandals got soaked and when we arrived home she found the sole was split so they went in the bin. They were old and she has lots more.

There’s a lovely dog friendly café right next to the beach where we had a long drink then shared mum’s enormous sausage sandwich. Then another treat when we got back to the car park – she said we could have ice cream, just between us dogs. WOW, YUM!

Oh I do like to live beside the seaside…

The beach, a refreshing swim and ice cream – what more could a pooch wish for?  A new ball, actually, since the one my mum brought was old and went to the bottom after a few throws.  I was looking for it all the way home and my mum said I was a fool, I should have known I’d lost it.  Still, the ice cream was lovely – both vanilla and Kinder flavours.  Wonder if they will ever do chocolate truffle…

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What a day!


Headed out for what I imagined was my usual morning walk to the playing fields but we turned sharp right after the park, down the street and even over the traffic lights.  Next thing we’re in the theatre and I’m wondering: do I have to perform?   No, my mum wanted tickets for a show.

Out of there and we go to a new cafe for brunch, a big choice of hot and cold fish on a board, including some crispy fried whitebait which I was lucky enough to sample.  Then before we left I’m given a Bonio!

Thought we’d be headed home by this time but we trotted straight onto the links then…my mum lost me for a moment but people heard her calling me and pointed ‘he went down there’.  The beach, of course!

I had a fabulous splash around and on the way home was treated to ice cream.  I’m guessing I’ll be on short rations at dinnertime because the treats weren’t finished: we called in a decorating shop, I’m asked for a paw and rewarded with another doggie morsel.

What a day!

‘Just one cornetto…’


img_7361Mmm, my mum had a Cornetto after dinner and it smelled so good I couldn’t tear my eyes and nose away from it.  I’m not normally given  bits of dessert but tonight she obviously took pity on me, couldn’t resist my appealing look, so I got the last of the cone which still had some strawberry ice cream in it.  Now that’s the sort of fruit I like.  Yummilicious!


Mum says I have to include the song from the advert.  (Maybe if Walls see this they will send me more!)

